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Medical School Interview Organizer Template

Medical School Interviews:

Congrats on being selected to attend a medical school interview! Now all you need to do is get yourself organized and prepare for the big day. Staying organized isn't always the easiest, especially when you are getting slammed with incoming emails all while juggling your pharmacy responsibilities. It's important that these vital emails, rich with interview scheduling information don't get lost along the way. I personally created this organizer to keep myself in check and ensure the nothing was left behind! Keep in mind that anything and everything that you send to a medical school is technically fair game on interview day, so make sure you include details from your AMCAS and Secondary's. I know for sure that I started to lose track of what I had said to each specific program, especially for secondaries. How could anyone know every nitty gritty detail they wrote when they've written over 180 essays/prompt responses in a 30 day period? The answer is you don't, so make sure you at least review what was said and put it in the doc for some light interview reading the day before!


I have provided a general template below for your personal use. I'd recommend you keep all your communications/emails with the admission board updated into this file for completeness sake. You should also add the following; 


  1. Interview Details - Address, Directions, Links to Campus Map

  2. Mandatories - Specifications from the program that I needed to bring on interview day (valid ID, personal photo, etc.)

  3. Interview Schedule - Not always available but if provided list here

  4. Personal AMCAS Work/Activities Summary - each activity that they may ask about or want clarification on

  5. My Secondary Responses - I always wanted to know exactly what I said to a program incase they ask about it on interview day. It also helps to review the questions as they may repeat them.

  6. School Specifics - Mission Statement, Vision, Curriculum, Student Programs, Current Dean (who you may meet)

  7. Interview Questions - Pulled from Student Doctor Network (SDN) and online searching


Take a Look at the example below and feel free to download a template for your own personal use!

Medical School Interview Organizer Template The Physician Pharmacist

For the complete guide to medical school interviewing, check out our blog post:
"Everything You Need To Know About Medical School Interviews."

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